Spice things up between the sheets, sans stress!
Guys, we think you’ll agree…
...stress can be a major downer on your sex life.
When you’re physically or emotionally stressed out?
Focusing on sex and getting your body excited can be that much more difficult.
Chronic stress is actually one of the main contributors to impotence and a lack of libido. In fact, not only does prolonged stress mess with your sex hormones, it’s harmful in many other ways; from shutting down your immune system to causing heart disease and adversely affecting your gut, bones, muscles and brain.
So, what can you do about it?
It all starts with...
Understanding stress
Stress is your body's way of responding to any kind of threat, real or imagined. When you sense danger, your body automatically responds by switching into “fight or flight” mode, also called the “stress response”.
It does this by releasing hormones and chemicals such as adrenaline, cortisol and norepinephrine to keep you alert and wary, ready for physical action. This defense response causes a number of reactions in your body, from blood being diverted to muscles, to shutting down unnecessary bodily functions such as digestion.
Stress responses served our cave-dwelling ancestors well, enabling them to survive when under attack. But in today’s fast-paced world many of us experience stress in everyday situations, day-in, day-out. This kind of stress can cause your body to instinctively kick into high gear ready to run from, or fight, that woolly mammoth.
There is no woolly mammoth to fight and this relentless stress wreaks havoc on your physical and emotional well-being. Unsurprisingly, getting aroused isn’t a top priority for your body when it’s in this state and that’s why stress can cause erectile dysfunction issues and loss of libido.
The stress - impotence cycle
Being stressed is difficult enough.
But when sex is involved, stress levels can escalate into the "stress-impotence cycle".
Whether you’re feeling stressed from work or financial pressures, stress hormones narrow blood vessels and blood flow making it difficult to get or maintain an erection, which can lead to self-consciousness and anxiety.
Not only is your original stress compounded by performance anxiety, sex itself becomes stressful. In this vicious cycle, stress fuels more stress, and can lead to avoiding intimacy altogether and relationship breakdowns.
Here are some helpful ways to reduce stress so you can perform with confidence.
1. Check your state of mind
Research shows there's a strong link between your state of mind and your ability to perform.
Feeling calm and relaxed will enhance your desire. Set the mood with dim lighting and relaxing music. Distract your mind from whatever is causing stress and focus on background music or a sexy movie.
If work, family or money issues are causing stress, find a way to alleviate them.
Rearrange your priorities, ask for help and find time to relax and unwind.
2. Choose a healthy lifestyle
Lifestyle factors play an important role in reducing the occurrence of impotence.
Chances are if you’re stressed, you’re also tired, and your diet and exercise regime is suffering as a result.
Combating impotence can be all about turning those factors on their head and breaking the stress-impotence cycle. A healthy diet, regular exercise and quality sleep can all reduce stress levels, returning your libido, sexual stamina and, in turn, your confidence.
Excessive alcohol or drug use can also lower testosterone levels, crushing your libido and creating other health risks, especially if they’re used to alleviate feelings of stress or mask depression. Instead, look to natural remedies and libido boosting supplements to give your body a helping hand.
Regular exercise involving weights, cardio workouts and flexibility exercises are another great way to combat stress, while also supporting testosterone levels, the male sex hormone. The benefits of regular exercise on your sex life are exponential; you’ll feel better about your body, increasing your confidence, and reducing anxiety. You’ll sleep better, while your libido will be zinging thanks to increased testosterone.
The same goes for a healthy diet. Foods proven to increase testosterone levels - such as foods rich in essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients - also reduce stress.
3. Talk about your stress
Being open with your partner about the stresses in your life and the effect this is having on you both physically and emotionally can help your partner to understand what’s happening.
It’s often said “a problem shared, is a problem halved”. Communicating with your partner can reduce your anxiety, decreases your stress levels and allow your libido to kick back in.
If you find you’re struggling, try and find other ways to be intimate with your partner that don’t induce spiraling anxiety and stress. Share a bath together or give each other a massage using essential oils like sandalwood and Ylang Ylang.
Remember, be patient and take it easy on yourself.
Getting wound up will only increase your stress levels.
Give your sex life a lift
Combating stress by creating the right head-space, choosing a healthy life-style and talking about stress with your partner is a great way to supercharge your sex life. Not only will it help bring those stress levels down, it’ll help boost your libido too!